The Book Story

After years of making custom handstamped leather cuffs, I felt a holy spirit nudge to lay it down.  It wasn't an easy decision. My identity was wrapped up in making those cuffs, but God had something new in mind.  I was to step into my name...Farmgirl Paints.  So after a long quiet season, an idea finally emerged.  "Write them love letters"...things the Lord drops in your spirit.  There will be painted cuffs, art, and a love letter devotional of how I see Him in the every day.  I did that monthly subscription box for 2 1/2 years.  It was an assignment that I didn't fully understand because it was tedious and hard. Obedience isn't always smooth and easy...

Then one day towards the end of that season, an acquisition editor reached out to me through my direct messages on Instagram.  At first I ignored the message thinking it was spammy, and honestly I had no desire to write a book.  Then, as I was drifting off to sleep one night, I felt what can only be described as a holy spirit whisper... "do not dismiss her."  I was like that HAD to be you God, because I don't want to do this scary thing of writing a book, and I don't say words like "dismiss."  Ha!  Needless to say I reached out to her the next day and it got the ball rolling towards "Seeing God in the Sweet Ordinary." 


I had no idea that the season of "changing course" and doing something completely different was the open door God was using to get those art-filled love letters out into the world.  I didn't want to write a book, and almost backed out many times over, but for some reason He chose me, my story and my unique giftings.  And despite my discomfort with being vulnerable and facing rejection I did it anyway.  It's taught me that God can use anyone who has an open hand and willing heart. If we just say YES, and do the work, He'll do the rest:)