Will you offer cuffs in the future? I'm entering a new season...one I feel the Lord has handpicked for me.  Cuffs will definitely be a part of this shop but in a new and exciting way.  Eventually, a custom cuff offering will be included in small quantities.  Make sure to follow along on IG @farmgirlpaints or sign up for the newsletter to see each month's releases.
I bought a necklace AND a subscription, now I have TWO of the same letter and card. Can I have a different letter? The featured jewelry of the month COMES with that current month's heartfelt subscription letter and card.  So if you subscribe as well you'll receive TWO!  This is a great opportunity to send happy mail to someone else.  Bless a neighbor or a friend:)
When will my letter mail each month? You will receive your subscription the following month from when you order.  So if you order in March, expect your letter in the middle of April:)
When should I sign up? Sign up anytime!
What happens if I don't receive my letter? Please allow up to 21 days from your expected (mid-month) arrival date to receive your letter (30 days for international). If it hasn't arrived by then, just send us a note via the CONTACT section.
What age group and demographics are the heartfelt letters designed for? I'm writing these from my personal experiences and life, so they may relate more with women. 
 How many should I order? As many as you want!!  Please make sure if you are sending as gifts that you place a separate order for shipping purposes to avoid confusion.
 Do you mail letters internationally? Yes! The only difference is a slightly higher postage price - which is included in the cost of the subscription:) Make sure to buy from the NON-US listing.
What can I expect to read in my letters?  These are heartfelt stirrings the Lord has put on my heart.  Mini devotionals... They are meant to encourage you on your faith walk, draw you closer to the Lord and just make you feel loved on:)
Can I cancel anytime? You can with the monthly subscription. To cancel, skip a month, or change your address, simply create an account at checkout. From your account, you can complete any of the above tasks. And of course, if you have any questions, send us a note via the CONTACT section. If you did not create an account during checkout, you will check out as a guest instead.... in which case you will need to contact us to cancel or modify your subscription.